Exposure Response Prevention Therapy


Do you feel compelled to engage in certain behaviors like checking your door locks or counting your steps? Do you spend excessive time reviewing decisions you’ve made over and over to be sure it was the right decision? Do you worry that your space or your body isn’t clean enough ? Do you have intrusive thoughts that cause you feel significant distress?

If any of this sounds familiar you may have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is a disorder affecting approximately 1 in 100 people and is often misdiagnosed for many years before those with the disorder find the correct provider that can help them. OCD involves obsessions (thoughts, urges, images) that you find uncomfortable and distressing to the point that the only way to alleviate that distress is to engage in a compulsion (repetitive behaviors that counter the uncomfortable thoughts).

Allow me to help you address and learn to manage your OCD through Exposure Response Prevention Therapy.

ERP will help you address your fears and anxieties that result from your intrusive thoughts through gently confronting those thoughts while learning to manage the distress related to these fears and anxieties while refraining from engaging in repetitive behaviors that keep you trapped and unable to enjoy life.

During ERP we will identify the situations and thoughts that create distress for you. We will identify the behaviors you use to alleviate your distress. Together we will create exposures and I will guide and support you as you face these uncomfortable feelings.

You will learn to accept uncertainty and improve your ability to tolerate and manage distress.

You will emerge happier and able to engage fully in the life you want to live rather than the life OCD wants you to live.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.